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5. As an old saying goes, 俗话说的好…… 6.As sb put it,正如某人所说 二.状语从句 1.When it comes to sb/sth , 一谈到/当提到 2.As far as I am concerned,就我个人而言...知乎上有一种观点就是以为严肃纸媒(文学作品、报刊)上的英语表达就是地道,我以前也经常把这些表达用在邮件里,但是经常被老外说在炫耀(show off)。殊不知人们在...

ˇ▽ˇ 1 as the saying goes英文发音: [æz ðə ˈseɪɪŋ ɡəʊz]中文释义:俗话说例句:Just as the saying goes:'No garden is without weeds,'Everyone has both advanta...2.As an old saying goes... 俗话说…… 例:As an old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy."俗话说:"诚实才是上策。" 3.There’s no doubt that... 毫...

“As the saying goes”是最常用的,不过还有一些词组也可以表示“俗话说”。比如:The saying goes like this、to coin a phrase、As an old saying goes、as the proverb goes、...Well goes an old saying,"..." 俗话说的好:“...” We can, therefore, come to the conclusion (that)+从句 ; 因此,我们能下一个结论,那就是... From the...

英语里打招呼,自然也就不止hi和hello了,快来多学几个英语打招呼的高级口语表达吧! # 1. What's up? --- "What's up?" 算是日常口语里用得最多的打招呼方式了。 什么意思?不要逐字理...Life has its ups and downs:生活总是有高有低 But overall, life is good:但是总体来说很好 # 4. What have you been up to? --- 前面教大家的都是日常每天能用的打招呼方式。但是,...